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Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude Book For Cat Free Download Pdf

masguachopha1974 2020. 2. 12. 01:28

Key Features1. Comprehensive theory as per latest syllabus and pattern2. Topics divided into easily understandable 'blocks'3. Plenty of short-cut techniques for quick problem solving4.

Arun Sharma Cat Books

Practice tests covering all possible types of questions5. Questions divided into three 'LODs' (Levels of Difficulty)6. Comprehensive solutions (wherever relevant) to questions of all LODs of all chapters7. Additional block-wise practice tests to ensure no probable question type has been missed out8.

Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude Book For Cat Free Download Pdf

Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude Pdf Free Download 7th Edition

Section on training ground teaches higher-end problem solving in real time. It is a section which tells the students exactly how to think inside the examination hall when faced with questions of varying difficulty levels9. 'Taste of the Exams' section- covers all questions that have been asked in past CAT, XAT, and IIFT examinations over two decades. Arun Sharma is a post graduate from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

He has been training corporate house and CAT aspirants since 1996 and has personally trained over a thousand students into the IIMs and other top B Schools. Besides, he holds the unique distinction of clearing the CAT 16 times in a row, with a score of 99.99 percentile in CAT 2008. With McGraw-Hill, he has a number of best-sellers to his credit. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT -2.

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT - Download3. How to Prepare for Verbal ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT (with Meenakshi Upadhyay) -4. Study Package for the CAT Online (with Meenakshi Upadhyay)5.Test Series for the CAT Online (with Meenakshi Upadhyay).

Hello friends, आज के पोस्ट में Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude की latest edition की PDF Book के लाया हु जो CAT, XAT, MAT, CMAT, IIFT, FMS,SBI PO आदि कि तैयारी करते है उनके लिये यह math कि best Book है. अगर आपको india के tops management collage- IIM मे admission लेना है तो आपको CAT(common admission test) को पास करना पड़ेगा। अगर आपको इस तरह के competitive exam को पास करना है तो आपको एक अच्छे books और study materials का चुनाव करना होता है। students की demand को देखते हुए Arun Sharma की सबसे ज्यादा पसंद की जाने वाली किताबो में से एक Quantitative Aptitude PDF फॉर्मेट आप यहाँ से download कर सकते है जो बिल्कुल Free है।. ContentsBlock I: NumbersBlock II: Averages and MixturesBlock III: Arithmetic and Word-based ProblemsBlock IV: GeometryBlock V: AlgebraOnline Cat: From the QA Perspective1. ADDITIONS AND SUBTRACTIONS (AS AN EXTENSION OF ADDITIONS)2. DIVISIONS, PERCENTAGE CALCULATIONS AND RATIO COMPARISONS4. SQUARES AND CUBES OF NUMBERS1.



COORDINATE GEOMETRY13. QUADRATIC AND OTHER EQUATIONS16. LOGARITHMSBlock VI: Counting17. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS18. SET THEORYMOCK TEST PAPERS 1–3MODEL TEST PAPERSOLVED PAPERSIIFT 2013SNAP 2011XAT 2014Download How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude PDF book For CATDetails-Name - Quantitative AptitudeLanguage - EnglishFormat- PDFSize - 19 MBAuthor- Arun SharmaRead this.